Wednesday, May 14

Chill Chill Chill!

i just got home on the evening, sitting in front of my dekstop, stoning as long as possible before getting my arse up and K-book...then, a familiar message beep pop out.Alex.asked...want go yamcha?AGAIN. *laughs* it's fated. bye bye books!

so i asked shin ee to join us, too bad winnie was busy. well...we just go there, and chill for a while..did a lot of crapping and laughing. it's great to have friends living so near u, that u can just call them out to CHIIILLL! *laughs* that's what my chillin' mates are there for.


Shin Ee - my new chillin' kaki =)

Alex - laughing at his own LAME joke. *laughss*


so ppl out there, what i want to say matter how stressed you are feeling.whether it's relationship, work, studies, exams problems...just call ur mates and go out and CHILL! now...once i got back, had my dinner...i felt more motivated to STUDY! (=


Jan said...

well...happy joining in...wahaha~~nice chill!~~

Vicious said...

hoi...put all our funny picture
but put your own so normal..
not fair

Jade W. said...


jan...welcome u to the gang! looking forward to tons of chilling session with u!

alex...cos all my pics were blame me!

Jan said...

dun time i will bring my camera along...u dun have any excuses next time..

Jade W. said...

shiit....jan, u're suppose to support me, Ok?

winnie said...

grrrrrrr...forgot bout me this old chilling kaki here..left me alone ed =/

Unknown said...

hey..why dont join me go coffee again de
eventhough i dont like coffee, but i like to hang out wif you guys ler

Jade W. said...

eiii...i din leave u alone ar! i did called u...but u were busy... =P

Vicious said...

better chill more before i leave...
haha make you emo first...=P

♥ mokunana ♥ said...

ehem ehem...
:"last day out for me...confirm"
wut is tis?

Jade W. said...

tian..this one in the afternoon, so nvm one...*laughhs* BUT, damn shit right..action speaks louder than words. *sigh*

alex tang, stop making me Emo can or not? let me exam finish 1st then u make me Emo, Ok?

Vicious said...

not ok...after your exam
is my exam..that time no time to make you emo..

Jade W. said...

meiyan...after my exam we can hang out!everyday also can...okie?

alex tang, then u concentrate on ur exams, dun make me buka pipe ok?