Wednesday, May 18

One more to go!

I'm done with my first two papers - Cyberspace and Media Law.
Now left my final one on the 31st May.
Just in 2 weeks time! Can't wait for my exams to come to an end!
And hols to look forward too!
Yea, I know I have a 15,000 words dissertation due in August, and I haven't start a shit yet.
I'll remind myself about that later.

Exams...were not too bad.
But not too good either.
Sigh. I don't know.
I just have mixed feelings with the answers I attempted.
Maybe it's the lack of confidence?
I'm not sure.
I can only hope for the best.

Thursday, May 5

Tiny pieces.

I wonder why you can't hear it.
The sound of my breaking heart.
Shattered into millions of pieces.
Yet you can't hear it.
When you are the cause of it.

My final exam will start in one week's time.
But somehow, I don't know..
I don't feel as much tension nor stress as I used to feel.
I can still remember when I was sitting for my final year LLB
and CLP... I start to "countdown" for my first paper one month ahead.
Sigh. It's not that I'm very confident with my exams now.
Just, don't feel much stress.
All I know is that I have to keep on going.
Just keep on memorising as much as I can.
And I keep telling myself, if I'm able to memorise all the stuff needed for CLP,
I suppose this shouldn't be a problem too.