Friday, July 16

Exams, oh exams!

another paper done today--Criminal Procedure.

honestly speaking, when i was revising and memorising for the past few weeks, Criminal Procedure was the subject that i worried the least.
reason being the past year exam questions had been quite straightforward.

however, after today's paper...
comparing with my previous two, i felt that the previous two were done better than today's.
the questions where i know what they are asking, i just simply can't remember.
i don't know why.
despite hours of memorising. sigh.

i really envy those with super-good memory.

there are two part questions that i am quite sure went down the drain already.


well, 2 more papers and i'll be DONE!


after dinner, i received a text from baby teng, asking me when my exam will end.
i replied, saying next weds and asking her why?

her sister--chyn is leaving for Adelaide on Sunday and she's throwing a surprise farewell party at The Library.

i was so, so, so tempted to go.
i haven seen chyn for ages and she'll be leaving this Sunday! ):


loads of sacrifices were made (well, socially. lol) for this CLP exams,
please made it worth sacrificing!


1 comment:

♥ mokunana ♥ said...

its okay babe...after ur exam we shall partay kao kao right before u leave me to UK...another beloved leaving me soon...*sob sob*... :( of luck to you...*love*