Friday, June 6


all this while, i never like the word if. it's like whenever u use the word if, it's like u're hoping for something that u wont get, or u are regretting something u did.yet lately, i had been using this word frequently.

and now...all that is in my mind is.."if, only if i can turn back time, then i would not be in the position i am now."

if..only if i studied harder.

if..only if i didn't slacked so much.

if..only if i did that topic...


no matter how depressed i feel, no matter how much tears are shed.nothing would change.what is done is done. even God can't change what i wrote this morning in my answers.


Jan said...

what is passed is passed...looking towards future...nth u could do other than juz blaming...

Da Devil said...

Lolx....u always scored de..dun in more deep S##t u last question was more paper to go..Land Law...lolx...juz focus on the nex paper..haha

Jade W. said...

jan: yea, i know that it had passed, but...i need time to get over*sigh*

devil: i didnt always score OK?oni ur last question WTF lar.i think all my FOUR ques was ShiT ok. good thing i actually like land....hmmm...

Da Devil said...

last question is the most F### up de lar...means all the other oso F### up ady..sigh....

like land law?or the lec?wakaka

Jade W. said...

well, i like land...but i like the lecturer even more... *laughhhhhhsss*