it's now almost 3am...and i had been staring at my jurisprudence book for the past 1 hour. reading and re-reading the same few pages. yet i still cant understand what i just read. it's equivalent to me staring at a blank page, and trying to interpret something out of it. i mean, it's just English! Why can't he use simple words so that we can understand his theory?!
who can tell me "the meaning of the expression 'indeterminate body of persons' is indicated rather than explained... I will here insert a concise exposition of the following pregnant distinction: namely the distinction between a determinate and an indeterminate body of...."
hellllllo? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
and i cant even do one single exam question. i don't know where or how or WHAT to write. Because, I don't even understand the gist of his bloody theory! i'm feeling extremely CLUELESS now!
"indeterminate body of persons" means.... some human,...or maybe not... That u can't see... but they can see u... U can hear their 'voices'...ermm, white pale face... ONly in dark nights... "indeterminate" existence..
"determinate" existence are 'real people' that u can call or sms them everyday and night...
(pls don't whack me...)
woong yin shin!
u expect me to write that for patrick issit?!!! lost in the whole of me!
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