Thursday, October 25

"Friendship" Part IV.

well, after i finished blogging on Friendship Part iii(Finale?) - 11/08/07- i thought that it would be my last one. end of the issue.conclude.BUT, i think about a month,tian,wey,li and alex went clubbing in maison (by the way Maison rocks!) and guess who we saw?HER.Miss K.well...we didnt notice her at first, we were just standing near the entrance cos we were waiting for alex, then she just walk pass us. IN FRONT of us, and li said that she definitely saw us.and when she walked pass us, she just bent her head down, which is actually make is even more obvious that she's avoiding eye contact with us.cos ppl dont BENT THEIR HEAD DOWN when they are out clubbing.inside me, i was feeling...c'mon lar...dont be so lame, u can chose to look into our eyes and ignore us, or maybe even acknowledge our existence.*whatever lar* then a few days later, tian told me that she saw in missK friendster's shoutout..stating sth like "i love you guys, i love clubbing with u guys and i wan to go with u all again!!!" sth stupid lar.i just feel like seems that she's trying real hard to PROVE to us that she's still happy w/o us.ERM....we don't really GIVE A DAMM to be honest.

then last week, tian told me something. she saw missK's car at that S.O.B's house at 12.45AM. doing what? well, why not you tell me? well then, action speaks louder than words. i can still remember clearly, what she claims when she wreck my bestfriend's relationship. saying that we accused her of having a r/ship with that S.O.B. well, that's a whole different story. for still glad that she decided to leave us and that we didn't "beg" her to come back.


♥ mokunana ♥ said...

it is a mission impossible for me to "beg" her back?
bcox she is the one who want to leave us...
so tat is her loss but not us...

Jade W. said...

haha...i just use the word "beg" cos dunno wat other words to use...cant believe u guys saw her stupid red kenari again!!