Sunday, January 18

Life is Fragile.

everyday, when we live our life...going to college, eating, sleeping, clubbing or studying, we never once stop to think or tell to our ownself that life is short and that we should cherish our lives more. even though at the back of our head, we know that "life is short"

until something happened around us, then only we stop to ponder.

i know that i'm like that.

just today, i found out that a schoolmate of mine just passed away. and he is just 2 years elder than me. at that moment, i realised how fragile our lives are. but, no matter how prepared a person is about the shortness of our lives, we still can't get out of the shock.even if it happened to someone that we barely know, sadness will still filled our heart.

once i reached home,i was still pondering upon this.thinking...why?why?why?it's not easy that God gave us life, why then He took it away so easily from us?it's not that i'm blaming God..but...sigh. i dont even know what i'm thinking.


Da Devil said...

life of coz is fragile,one can 'pop',den go like tat right now,had to stop for awhile and ponder,wat r u going to do in future...hehe

Jan said...

that's called life. have to accept it no matter what.

Unknown said...

hmmm....cant do anything...
quite sad...although not really close to him..

winnie said...

really shocked..last time he still helped us to remove the car..but now..='(